Frequently Asked Questions About Hot Hearts

  • I’ve registered for Hot Hearts 2025. Where can I pick up my tickets?
    Tickets will be available for pickup on January 14 & 15 from 8:00am-4:00pm at 3739 N Major Dr. Beaumont, TX 77713. You will be placed, in the order of your purchase date and time, to receive the best seats available, unless otherwise requested.

    Please feel free to call (409) 203-4214 for further directions.

    * Please Note:  the office staff will not be able to assist you with purchasing additional tickets. They will only have the tickets that you have PRE-PURCHASED. Additional tickets may only be purchased on Saturday, January 18 at the HH registration table. You may also pick up your tickets from our HH registration table located inside the Ford Park lobby starting at 8:30am on Saturday, January 18. Someone will be at the HH ticket table throughout the conference just in case you arrive late.

    Your tickets WILL NOT be mailed to you. In order to receive your tickets, you must pick them up, in person.

  • What is the purpose of the Hot Hearts Conference?
    Our primary desire is to reach students with the truth of the Gospel.
    (See Vision Page)

  • What age group can attend Hot Hearts?
    While our target group is teens, we have been known to draw a sizable number of college students. We have also seen a handful of children's ministries attend our conference; however, we must caution that some of the preaching content may not be suitable for younger ears.

  • How did Hot Hearts get its start?
    Hot Hearts was founded in 1987 by a small group of Youth Ministers from Southeast Texas. It was originally intended to be a one-time event, but quickly became something much more.
    (See History Page)

  • How can I volunteer with Hot Hearts?
    Contact us and let us know how you would like to be involved with Hot Hearts.

  • Who plans/coordinates the Hot Hearts Conferences?
    Each Hot Hearts location has a local planning team made up of Youth Ministers, Volunteers and Pastors.

  • Are all the Hot Hearts Conferences the same?
    No. While some conference sites may feature the same speakers or artists, each site is planned and coordinated by a local planning team. This method provides for individuality and autonomy. This means that each site has the freedom to coordinate their Hot Hearts event in the most effective way to reach their specific area with the gospel.

  • Hotel Information (For Hot Hearts 2024)
    Here are a few area hotels that have special Hot Hearts rates for the weekend:

    • MCM Elegante’ Hotel & Conference Center

      • 877-842-3606

      • A special room rate of $109.00 per night for a Deluxe King or Double. A special room rate of $120.00 per night for a King Suite. These rates do include our American Style Buffet Breakfast 4 coupon per room.

    • Hampton Inn

      • 409-840-9922

      • Double or Kings with complimentary hot breakfast buffet. Rate - $92.00

    • Holiday Inn Express Beaumont NW Parkdale

      • 409-892-3600

      • Full renovations in 2021 and includes full hot breakfast. Rate - $104.00

    • Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Beaumont Plaza

      • 409-842-5995

      • Spacious atrium style hotel. Rate - $94.00-$96.00

    • Residence Inn by Marriott

      • 409-434-0600

      • Studio King Accommodations. King bed with pull out sofa sleeping. Room sleeps 4 people. Includes breakfast. Rate - $109.00